Friday, March 2, 2007

Boost Mobile with GPS, are you serious?

New commercials with Oompa Loompa wannabes have been hitting the airwaves advertising Boost Loopt. In a nutshell, it's a cell phone with GPS capability. Your friends and family can broadcast their location within a user defined private network. You cannot find out the location of your friends and family at your request. They must update their location regularly or all you'll see is their last broadcast location and when it was broadcast.

Sure, there are the questions regarding user privacy. Law enforcement can probably get a subpoena and track exactly where you are.

The real question is... would you be offended if your spouse, boy/girlfriend gave you this phone? It's almost like having your own private eye on your significant other. I can see some real advantages for college students, friends, parents to have this phone.

Before you buy this phone for your spouse or significant other, prepare yourself for strange looks or conversations about trust. Really think before you act.

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